The Relationship Between High School Students' Perceptions of Role Modeling and Self-Regulation for Science
role model, self-regulation, science education, high school, structural equation modelAbstract
Role models are key to the development of self-regulation skills. The study aimed to develop a model that shows the relationship between high school students' role-modeling perceptions and self-regulation skills. In the study, the predictive correlation design of the quantitative research method was used. The sample of the study consisted of 362 high school students studying at a public high school and agreeing to participate in the research. The research data were collected with the "Perceived Role Models Scale" and the "Self-regulation Scale for Science". As a result, a model was developed showing that the reproduction, retention, and motivation dimensions of high school students' role modeling perceptions were statistically significant predictors of science self-regulation. This result proved that role models were important in developing high school students' self-regulation skills. Therefore, it could be argued that the development of self-regulation that begins at an early age is a lifelong process. The results of the study can be a reference point for research that will examine the relationship between the sub-dimensions of self-regulation and role modeling perception in depth.
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