Gender Differences in Faculty Experience with Start-up Packages: A Case Study from a Public University in the Southeastern U.S.


  • Alena Höfrová Clemson University
  • Arelis Moore, MD, PhD, MPH, MEd. Clemson University, Department of Languages, 504 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC, USA 29634
  • Mark A. Small, J.D., Ph.D. Clemson University, Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life, 321 Brackett Hall, Clemson, SC, USA 29634; Clemson University, Department of Psychology, 418 Brackett Hall Clemson, SC, USA 29634
  • Patrick J. Rosopa, Ph.D. Clemson University, Department of Psychology, 418 Brackett Hall Clemson, SC, USA 29634
  • Kayla Steele Payne Clemson University, College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences, Clemson, South Carolina, USA
  • Pavla Rymešová, PhDr., Ph.D. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Psychology, Kamýcká 129, Praha, CZ 165 00.



Faculty hiring process, faculty negotiation, gender differences, job resources, start-up packages, university working conditions


Start-up packages are a tool for successful transition to an academic career. This institutional case study examined the faculty experience with start-up packages at one public university in the Southeastern United States including gender differences, content, negotiation, and perceived outcomes. A mixed method research design was utilized to answer the study research questions. Data were gathered through an online survey with quantitative and qualitative questions. Data from 121 participants were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi‐squared test, and thematic analysis. Most start-up package agreements included moving expenses, personal computer and software, and start-up funds. On the other hand, child daycare, guaranteed junior sabbatical, and salary advancement were the most missing benefits in the agreements. Male faculty were able to obtain, significantly more often than female faculty, a specific number of years for secure funding, laboratory space, and student or postdoc funding in their agreements. Faculty were not well prepared for the negotiation process, and they were not aware what exactly they needed to establish a successful research program. Universities should focus more on the influence of start-up packages on faculty careers because perceived unfair treatment during the negotiation process or during administration can influence faculty performance and their turnover intentions.


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How to Cite

Höfrová, A., Moore , A., Small, M. A. ., Rosopa, P. J. ., Steele Payne, K. . and Rymešová, P. . (2024) ’Gender Differences in Faculty Experience with Start-up Packages: A Case Study from a Public University in the Southeastern U.S. ’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 130–139.



Research Paper