Technostress and Continuance Intention of Online Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from Indonesia
College student, Continuance intention, Online learning, TechnostressAbstract
As a developing country, Indonesia faces many obstacles in implementing online learning due to the lack of infrastructure and technical skills. The mandated online learning policy during the spread of the covid-19 virus became a turning point and made massive use. However, the online learning policy raised unforeseen issues such as stress, especially among students. This study focuses on the continuance intention of online learning among college students in Indonesia. The person-environment fit theory serves as a theoretical anchor, with technostress being examined as a predictor. This research uses an online questionnaire to reach 466 college students as research participants. We used partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to examine the research model. The result shows that three types of technostress (techno-overload, techno-invasion, and techno-uncertainty) are confirmed to have a significant negative effect on the continuance intention of online learning. Meanwhile, the other two (techno-complexity and techno-insecurity) do not affect online learning continuance intention. The current study contributes to the literature regarding the technostress and continuance intention of online learning topics, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. Furthermore, the research provides valuable insight for policymakers and university administrators, enabling them to formulate effective policies for mandated online learning.
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