Assessing the Relative Impact of Colombian Higher Education Institutions Using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis (Fuzzy-DEA) in State Evaluations
Efficiency, Higher education, Machine learning, Predictive evaluationAbstract
This research aims to design a helpful methodology for estimating universities' relative impact on students as a sustainability factor in higher education. To this end, the research methodology implemented a two-stage approach. The first stage involves the relative efficiency analysis of the study units using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis. The second stage consists of a predictive evaluation of the efficiency of the study units. Consequently, among the most relevant results of the research, it is observed that the methodology identifies the institutions that need to strengthen the academic competencies of the industrial engineering program. Additionally, we developed a benchmark analysis called Efficient Route to help inefficient units achieve efficiency, associating efficiency, and sustainability as pillars of higher education processes.
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