
  • Jaroslav Komárek Karel Englis College, Brno



Bachelor study, Management., Business Economics, Efficiency, Demands of practice, General Management, Management


Domestic higher studies are criticised for their low efficiency owing to the demands of practice. The core of problem is supposed in the small share of practical preparation mainly, but another cause can be the concept itself. Management studies are still considered as a part of Business Economics compared with independent study programs of Management abroad. Business Economics and Management have undergone divergent evolution during past fifty years; the Business Economics has stayed nearly unchanged and the Management has developed into a number of separate specific disciplines. While in Europe the study program Management is classified under Business & Economics usually, independent Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs are extended overseas, and common is also Doctoral study program in Management Science. Significantly specific is the Management of non-economic fields, which focuses both on the preparation for specific professional skills and always for the line management with respect to anticipated staffing positions. Some change can bring the intended transfer of accreditation competencies, but when regarding the proposed content of Areas of Education, there is no good news for the domestic practice there. Neither the requirements for professional or academic programs are distinguished, nor adequate managerial skills mentioned.


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How to Cite

Komárek, J. (2015) ’SOME CONTRADICTIONS IN THE CURRENT MANAGEMENT STUDIES’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 67–71.



Short communication