
  • Santiago Gonzalez Universidad Panamericana, Banaterra Campus
  • Murat Sakir Erogul Thompson Rivers University
  • Salvador Barragan Thompson Rivers University



Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Theory, Case study, Education and Business, Mexico, Canada


The need to incorporate and develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within university programs is necessary for future leaders, managers and entrepreneurs. Within the framework of CSR and stakeholder theory the paper contributes a comparative case study that utilizes curriculum and in-depth interview analysis to illustrate not only the similarities and differences in the CSR programs, but how social responsibility is taught in a Mexican and Canadian University context. The main findings are: the CSR program in Mexico is perceived as a strategic management tool that adds value to the organization and does not pay any special attention to the globalization phenomena. Whereas in Canada, social responsibility is founded on ethics, attention to the different stakeholders in a globalized environment is emphasized and the strategic importance of CSR is widely accepted. The paper provides academics and researcher insight into exploring how universities can further facilitate students as stakeholders in considering social responsibility as important and necessary to ensure CSR sustainability in practice.


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    How to Cite

    Gonzalez, S., Erogul, M. S. and Barragan, S. (2016) ’SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN TEACHING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: EVIDENCE FROM MEXICO AND CANADA’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 70–80.



    Research Paper