Digital Classroom Innovations: Leveraging Smartphone-Based Application to Stimulate Students Creative Thinking Skills
Digital, creative thinking skills, applications, smartphone, articulateAbstract
Enhancing 21st-century skills, such as creative thinking, is crucial and can be stimulated by integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an Articulate-based mobile application in helping students improve their creative thinking skills. The quantitative research method uses quasi-experimental models and a one-group pre-post-test design. The research involved 60 students as subjects, divided equally into two groups: the experimental and control groups. The research data was collected through tests of creative thinking skills conducted before and after implementing the smartphone-based application. Data analysis is conducted using the t-test technique to compare the test results before and after the intervention and N-Gain to measure the improvement of creative thinking skills. The research results indicate that implementing application media has proven effective and significantly improves students' creative thinking skills. The implications of this research can be used as a reference for the development of technology-integrated education. Moreover, this research contributes to providing elaboration regarding the role of smartphone-based applications as one of the efforts to enhance students' creative thinking skills in the era of digital education.
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