A Cross-sectional Study Analyzing the Integration of the Moving School Concept at Secondary Schools in Germany
Moving School, physical activity, secondary schools, pupils, physical education teachersAbstract
Objectives: The increase in physical activity and the reduction of sedentary time can have positive effects on children´s health. The concept of Moving School was developed to reduce students’ sitting time and has evolved in a broadly used concept.
Method: This study aims to analyse the degree of the implementation of the concept at secondary schools and investigate associated factors with the intention of teachers to implement it in practice. 345 physical education teachers were asked by questionnaire about their knowledge of the concept, their attitude towards it, and their assessment of the current situation in everyday school life.
Results: Moving School is well known among physical education teachers. They gain their knowledge mainly through their university studies. Teachers’ expectations in terms of effort and performance, social influence, and, in particular, facilitating conditions are positively associated with the intention to use the concept.
Conclusion: Teachers are aware of and believe in the effectiveness of the concept. The level of implementation in practice does not reflect this. The framework conditions should be adapted and practical examples of implementation should become better known among the teachers in order to facilitate implementing the concept in schools.
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