
  • Jaroslav Komárek Departement of Management, Karel Englis College in Brno, Mezírka 1, Brno, 602 00, Czech Republic
  • Jaroslav Dočkal Departement of Informatics, Karel Englis College in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Peter Markovič Departement of Economics, Karel Englis College in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Barbora Novotná Březovská Departement of Management, Karel Englis College in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Filip Rigel Departement of Law, Karel Englis College in Brno, Czech Republic




bachelor study programme, competitiveness, economics, higher education act, managerial skills, practice


The current criticism of higher education is that the education offered does not match the needs of practice. In terms of competitiveness, Germany is about the forefront in Europe, and logically the question of whether higher education is the source from which leads to this result. The objective of this paper is to compare the corresponding study programs of Czech and German universities in the area of Economics by identifying the relevant differences and to confirm or dismiss the validity of the research hypothesis „Business Economics programs at German universities differ in ways that can boost competitiveness“. In order to compare the study programs between Czech and German universities, the eight faculties of Economics geared towards Business and Economics and Bachelor degree program were selected. As an introductory information, the structure of the programs was compared in terms of course load and which courses being compulsory, elective, and various forms of actual work practice and Bachelor thesis. The portfolio analysis of compulsory courses was organized into more general course groups and the percentage share of the total extent of compulsory courses was evaluated and the percentage of the active part. The analysis of Bachelor’s degree programs justifies the validity of the research hypothesis such that German study programs are more focused on practical application in a work environment. To that, contribute significantly the German specific institutions, the universities of applied sciences, which are strongly geared towards the needs of actual practice. The reflection of findings may apply in the context of the forthcoming implementation of amendment to the Higher Education Act.


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How to Cite

Komárek, J., Dočkal, J., Markovič, P., Březovská, B. N. and Rigel, F. (2017) ’HIGHER EDUCATION FOR HIGHER COMPETITIVENESS’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 34–43. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2017.100201



Research Paper