Lesson Study for Professional Development of English Language Teachers: Key Takeaways from International Practices





lesson study, professional development, English as a foreign language, Teacher, Efficiency


Even though various professional development practices are provided for language teachers worldwide, these practices are still considered ineffective in addressing teachers’ needs in their classrooms. The effectiveness of these practices is stalled when teachers do not actively engage in their professional development processes. When language teachers are not involved as active decision makers regarding their own professional development practices, the outcomes may not be as desirable as policymakers plan. Considering the deficiencies of the current language teacher professional development practices in Turkey, this paper provides a systematic review of lesson study as a professional development model for language teachers which promotes agency and reflective practice. Comparing the current practice of lesson study in Turkey to the international practices reported in the literature, this review suggests that lesson study has potential to support teacher professional development in the country in alignment with the educational visions of decision makers. Given the empowering dimension of lesson study model both in terms of content and form, it can be adopted as a model for effective and sustainable language teacher professional development.


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How to Cite

Uştuk, Özgehan and Çomoğlu, İrem (2019) ’Lesson Study for Professional Development of English Language Teachers: Key Takeaways from International Practices’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 41–50. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2019.120202



Review study