Does Service Quality in Education and Training Process Matters? Study of Government’s Human Resource Agencies in Indonesia
government employees, motivation, satisfaction, service quality, training, trustAbstract
This study aims to investigate the application of service quality theory to explain and predict the satisfaction, trust, and motivation of participants at leadership education and training programs of echelon 3 and 4 held by Human Resource Development Board Province in Indonesia. This study uses purposive sampling and survey methods to generate sampling, which consists of 480 respondents from some of the main provinces in Indonesia. The data are analyzed using Variance Based Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square due to the existence of formative indicators for service quality. The result shows that five dimensions of service quality have a positive and significant effect on participants’ satisfaction, which, in turn, impacts their trust and motivation. Responsiveness is one of service quality dimensions with the greatest influence on participants’ satisfaction. Data collected in this study are limited to the context of leadership education and training programs of echelon 3 and 4. Thus, further research may involve other education and training programs. The results of this study may serve as a guideline for other education and training providers in other provinces or places of Indonesia to increase their service quality, which will impact satisfaction, trust, and motivation of participants.
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