Students Preferences in Teaching Methods of Entrepreneurship Education
Enterpreneurial education (EE), management, students, teaching methodsAbstract
Entrepreneurial education (EE) has recently become popular at universities of economics almost all over the world. Various teaching methods play a very important role in the development of the future entrepreneurs. Therefore, in order for a student to become a successful entrepreneur, it is important to find the most effective tool for the teachers to support entrepreneurship education and find the ideal connection between the needs of the students and the right choice of a teaching method. There is a large gap between the needs of the business environment and university studies of this area.
The research is based on 214 questionnaires, which were filled in by the students of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in 2018-2019. The aim of the paper is to find and analyse the preferences of teaching methods for students of management based on the following criteria: gender, faculty, degree of study. The students expected to be taught by active methods, e.g. experts lectures and business simulators. Differences in the use of teaching methods were the most evident among students from different faculties.
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