Factors of Quality Assessment in Higher Education and Its Impact on Business Students’ Development and Interest in University Education
Quality, assurance, university, evaluation, interest, educationAbstract
Human resource development at universities is one of the crucial aspects that forms an innovative and growing society. Therefore, it is crucial to continuously manage and develop factors of quality evaluation process in all universities to develop also human resources for labor market. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify factors of education quality which impact students´ interest in attending lessons and courses. Data were collected by students’ questionnaire at case business university. Two dimensional statistical methods were used to evaluate the results. Totally, 1,607 students were questioned. The outputs show link towards students’ interest in lessons and courses based on the quality of human resource development. There were four factors determining quality of human development found: practically oriented lessons; open and discussing teachers; subject extent and difficulty; and newcomers. The limitations of this study may be seen in the collection of data based on self-reports of students only and may therefore be subject to common-method bias. To minimize this limitation, the survey was assuring students that there was no right or wrong answer and their contribution towards higher quality was highly appreciated.
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