Relationship Between Student Perceptions of a Constructivist Learning Environment, and their Motivational Beliefs and Self-Regulation of Effort
constructivist learning environment, middle school students, motivational beliefs, self-regulation of effortAbstract
The aim of this study is twofold: first, to determine gender-related differences in students' perceptions of a constructivist learning environment, their motivational beliefs, and self-regulation of effort in a science lesson; secondly, to explore the relationship between these concepts. The correlational research was employed in this study. The sample consists of 489 students from five public middle schools in a small city in Turkey. The Constructivist Learning Environment Survey was utilized to assess students’ perceptions of their classroom learning environment in constructivist-oriented ways. The Students’ Adaptive Learning Engagement in Science survey was used to assess students’ motivation and self-regulation of effort in their science learning. The relationships between students’ perceptions of a constructivist learning environment and their motivational beliefs and self-regulation of effort were examined using canonical correlation analysis. According to the canonical analysis, middle school students’ perceptions of a constructivist learning environment are significantly related to their motivational beliefs and self-regulation of effort. Implications of these findings were discussed.
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