A Review Study of Research Articles on the Barriers to Inclusive Education in Primary Schools
barriers to inclusion, challenges in education, inclusive education, educational opportunity, primary schoolAbstract
This article presents a review of research studies related to the theme of barriers to inclusive education in primary schools. The basic data set for our study consisted of 27 expert articles selected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases according to clearly defined criteria. The result of the analysis provided findings that appear across all the texts. The research questions of this review study are what the barriers to inclusion in primary schools are, what we know about them, and whether there are ways to reduce them. We focused in more detail on the themes of discrepancies between legislation and practice, teaching barriers in the classroom, transdisciplinarity and inter-professionalism, and methodological specifics. In the analysis and discussion, we delineate the essential points of the individual articles by searching for similarities and differences among the texts.
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