
  • Lenka Lustigová Czech University of Life Sciences Prague




Authentic business context, business career, Business English, ICT, IWB, task-based learning, teaching-learning process


Given the nature of the study, the objectives of this paper are to demonstrate practical approach to using ICT tools in teaching Business English to university-level students. By offering specific examples for efficient integration of selected technologies within undergraduate classroom the study concentrates on practical and yet motivated solutions to many issues faced by the university teachers and students within the teaching-learning process. The study explores the importance of establishing an authentic business context via the invaluable help of ICT tools. This authentic context facilitates smooth acquisition of language proficiency and multitude of other skills for students’ future career use. Based on actual classroom teaching/research, this study demonstrates that meaningful use of ICT tools allows the 21st century Business English teachers and students to keep pace with the ever-changing business world.


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How to Cite

Lustigová, L. (2012) ’ICT CHALLENGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 46–62. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2012.050201



Research Paper