Formation of Financial Literacy in Primary School Students
Financial literacy, media education, primary school pupilsAbstract
The innovative methodology of the financial literacy formation in primary school students has been theoretically substantiated, the research has been carried out on the basis of education for success in life (integration of media education, financial education and education for sustainable development) and the relationship between the pedagogy of success and the pedagogy of heart.
The structure of financial literacy has been determined. The model of the methodology of formation of financial literacy in primary school students has been developed, the key components of the suggested methodology include aim, content (structure of financial literacy, theoretical and methodical foundations of its formation, expected results of educational programs) components; algorithm of the arranged activities of students, parents and teachers on the basis of partnership pedagogy; the selected forms, methods, means of formation of financial competencies, diagnostic tools and the expected result.
The experimental methodology resulted in a significant increase in the growth of financial literacy indicators in EG. The efficiency of the formation of financial literacy in primary school students has been proved with the help of the main findings of the research.
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