How do Studies at the University Help Prospective Physical Education Teachers form Their Professional Identity?
Academic motivation, Professional identity, Self-efficacy, Social Cognitive Career Theory, Study satisfaction, Teacher educationAbstract
This study examines the expression of self-efficacy, academic motivation, study satisfaction of prospective physical education teachers in different years of study, their interrelationships and intends to explain how studies help prospective physical education teachers shape their professional identities. A questionnaire survey was administered to 783 1st to 4th year undergraduate physical education students from four Lithuanian universities. The year of study did not affect changes in students’ self-efficacy expectations and intrinsic academic motivation, which may mean that such professional identity indicators are less affected by contextual factors. The correlations among the analysed variables showed that the quality of teaching, clear goals, and the maintenance of autonomy are essential components of the academic environment in order to strengthen the prospective PE teacher’s professional identity. The results of the study may encourage physical education teacher educators’ deeper analysis of the ongoing feedback on student satisfaction with their studies as an emotional PI indicator.
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