Dropout Intentions in Higher Education: Systematic Literature Review
Systematic Literature Review
Dropout, Intention, Higher educationAbstract
College dropout proves to be a critical problem in undergraduate programs that directly affects students and the related community, due to direct economic losses and significant social costs. This article addresses a systematic review of the literature on predictors of student dropout intention in higher education, focusing on scientific production in Q1 and Q2 journals from 2018 to 2023, performing a bibliometric review and analyzing the available empirical and theoretical data on the phenomenon of college dropout intention and its affecting factors.
The bibliometric results and those related to predictors of dropout intention introduced in previous studies are presented. The largest number of researchers studying this phenomenon are from Germany, however, the United Kingdom is the country with the largest number of publications. Previous research can be grouped into two categories: studies analyzing psychological factors of dropout intention and those related to academic and social integration.
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