Individual Interest of students in Physical Education and School Engagement in fostering Physical Culture inside the campus
The case of two prominent local colleges in Pampanga, Philippines
Individual interest, Local colleges, Physical culture, Physical education, School engagementAbstract
Interest has been globally established as a powerful predictor that triggers engagement, especially in fostering physical culture among students. Scholarly works in PE have already shown that situational interest triggers individual interest, which can lead to highly engaged students. However, little is known about the impact of individual interest alone on students’ school engagement. In this regard, this study is focused on determining the significant difference between the sex and institution of students concerning individual interest and school engagement. Moreover, it aimed to assess the relationship and direct influence of individual interest on school engagement. After obtaining data from 1659 samples of undergraduate students from the most prominent local colleges in Pampanga, it was revealed that there is no significant difference concerning individual interest and school engagement between sex and institution. Fascinatingly, a significant association between students’ individual interests and school engagement was observed. Lastly, individual interest, along with its three factors, predicts school engagement. It can be concluded that individual interest has a direct positive influence on school engagement. Recommendations for future research direction and PE teachers to fully translate physical culture to students to improve their overall well-being are hereby presented.
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