Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Sudden Implementation of the Synchronous Online Course: Findings of a Mixed Method Study
distance learning, online synchronous models, higher education, educational innovation, STEMAbstract
Tragedies are neither sought nor requested. Unfortunately, they happen and affect all areas of life, especially education. However, they leave lessons that work to face new challenges. This study aims to analyze the transition from classroom classes to distance classes due to an earthquake that hit Mexico City in 2017, damaging its buildings and infrastructure, to find the necessary aspects for an efficient transition in these cases. Faculty members were interviewed about their views during the transition. The student’s grades were also compared. Student responses were analyzed in the teacher satisfaction surveys. According to the results, a statistical model was finally generated to establish a correlation between the studied factors. A model was obtained with four clusters in which different teacher profiles are grouped. Young teachers with excellent technology management or experienced teachers with good use of technology and who are very well trained is the profile required for an efficient transition. This study served as a basis to meet the contingencies, which allowed the establishment of a more expeditious and efficient online educational system.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Margarita Medina-Herrera, José Carlos Miranda-Valenzuela, Patricia Vázquez-Villegas, Edgardo Jorge Escalante-Vázquez, Luis Alberto Mejía-Manzano, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández
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