Collaborative Learning Based on Sophisticated Thinking Laboratory (STB-LAB) and Gather Town as Gamification Tool for Blended Laboratory on Science Undergraduate Student's
Blended Laboratory; Collaborative Learning; Collaborative Skills; Gather Town; STB-LABAbstract
Innovation in learning design certainly continues to evolve over time, and so do the needs. Including blended laboratory, which is almost like blended learning, but blended laboratory has characteristics where activities fully use laboratory test results to study theory along with observational. However, blended laboratories must be accompanied by use of the right technology. The presence of the Sophisticated Thinking Laboratory (STB-LAB) in effort to fulfill the implementation of blended laboratory syntactically feels right to be done building collaborative learning and forming collaborative skills of students, and Gather Town as a tool to accommodate blended laboratory is felt very appropriate as a gamification tool. This study aims to find out the implementation of the blended laboratory using STB-LAB assisted by Gather Town as a gamification tool using the Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) with Student Activity Sheet (SAS), and find out the improvement of students' collaborative skills. The results obtained from this study are that all STB-LAB syntax in blended laboratory activities is carried out well, while the increasing collaborative skills results show an increase with very large effect of the Cohen's D Effect Size obtained 2.1 for physics education major and 1.7 for biology education major.
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